Monday, June 14, 2010


There are many kinds of girls rut their attitude and nature are same. Following are the different methods to do friendship with girls or making girlfriends. OR Following are the qualities which girls like and demand from boy or from their boyfriends. I thinks by adopting the following suggestions you can make girlfriends
1. Some girls like serious boys but mostly like stylish boys. So boy should be in proper dress, mean a boy should be well-dress, dress like JEANS etc.
2. A Boy should be stylish but some girls like simple and serious boys but not more girls just few girls which are mature.
3. LOVE is main thing. A most important sentence is "LOVE CONQUERS ALL". you can conquer girls by love . You should show that you love her and you will give love her.
4. You should have a proper hair-style, your hair-style have a great effect on your personality .
5. Money is not important but some greedy girls hank before money so for that type of girls you should use money. Money weakness of that type of girls.
6. You should be caring in according to matters of that girl which you want to make friend.
7. You should be humorous and funny because mostly girls like funny boys which give amusement them.
8. If boy is first love of woman then he is lucky.
9. Try to make girlfriend of small age because the small age girls will never leave their boyfriends.
10. Always show to girls that you have no more girlfriend.
11. Girls like healthy boys. If you are physically weak then you should join the GYM and build your body. Mostly girls are attracted towards healthy and body builder boys, SO develop your body.
12. The main and last point for starting friendship is that you should be well-dress, having Good hair-style, manners of taking, should be looking educated, loving & caring.
Adopt my above given ways and ma girlfriends.

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